Prof. Kim gave a invited presentation on "Trimming Random Copolymers into Sequence-Controlled Polypeptides for Nucleic Acids Delivery" in 134회 대한화학회 on 2024.Oct.18th.
David Koam (M2), 박하연 (M2), 강동현 (M2), 임성일 (M2), 김규리 (M1), 김선정 (M1) gave oral/poster presentation in 2024 Fall KSBB Meeting, Korea on 2022.Sep.25th.
Prof. Kim promoted to Associate Professor on 2024.Sep.1st.
Prof. Kim gave a lecture on "the recent trends in RNA technology" on Korean Intellectual Property Office (특허청) on 2024.July.5th.
Prof. Kim particiapted in 제22회 인터비즈 바이오 파트너링 & 투자포럼 2024 on 2024.July.3rd.
Prof. Kim and 권형진(M1) participated in 펩타이드 첨단신약 핵심 원천기술 개발 및 플랫폼 구축사업 워크샵 in 전라남도 화순군 on 2024th.July.2nd.
박하연(M2), 김선정(M1), 김규리(M1) gave poster presentations in 27th Korean Peptide Protein Society, Bexco, Busan on 2024.June.24th.
Prof. Horacio Cabral in The University of Tokyo visited our lab for a lecture on 2024.June.1st.
Prof. Kim hosted FCS lecture courses from Dr. Xianke Shi, Carl Zeiss in Inha Univ. on 2024.May.13th and 14th.
Our lab is re-selected for Basic Research Lab with KB Kim Lab in DongGuk Univ. on 2024.May.1st
박하연(M2) was selected as 제1기 대학원 대통령과학장학생 on 2024.Apr.8th.
Prof. Kim visited Sovargen (소바젠), Deajeon on 2024.Apr.12th.
안준수 received 구두(토론) 부분 장려상 regarding "Exploring the Effects of Sequence Arrangement of Random Co-polymer by Delivering mRNA in Cultured Cells" in The Polymer Society of Korea on 2024.Apr.5th.
임성빈(D1), 안준수 gave oral presentations in The Polymer Society of Korea on 2024.Apr.3th-5th.
Prof. Kim visited Biorchestra (바이오오케스트라), Deajeon on 2023.Nov.9th.
New CLSM (LSM980, Carl Zeiss) with FCS was installed in Inha Univ. on 2023.Oct.23th.
안준수 (M2) gave a poster presentation in 2023 BMES, Seattle, USA on 2023.Oct.14th.
안준수 (M2) gave a poster presentation in 2023 Fall KSBB Meeting, Korea on 2023.Oct.6th.
임성빈 (M2) visited Lab of Prof. K. Miyata at University of Tokyo on 2023.Sep.19th-20th.
Prof. Kim gave a lecture in 2023 한국생물공학회 인천경기지부 첨단바이오의약 심포지움 on 2023.Aug.17th.
Prof. Kim gave a lecture in 한국화학연구원 감염병진단예방기술연구센터 on 2023.Aug.16th.
Prof. Kim gave a lecture in SamYang Holdings on 2023.Aug.2nd.
안준수 (M2) received Young Scientist Award in 26th Korean Peptide Protein Society Annual Symposium with "Sequence Arrangement of Cationic Amphiphilic Polymers Affect Protonation Degree and their mRNA transfection" on 2023. July 3th.
이지은(B3), 장혜원(B3), 김현서(B3) participate in Summer Undergraduate Researcher Program on 2023. Jun.26th-2023.Aug.18th.
Prof. Kim was introduced in BT News published in KSBB on Vol.30 No 2.
Prof. Kim is an organizing committee for 26th Korean Peptide Protein Society Annual Symposium, which is held in Jeju on 2023.July 3th-July 5th.
Prof. Kim co-organized 2023 Spring KSBB Meeting, Innovative Bioprocess Engineering Section including the invitation of Prof. H. Hojo (The University of Tokyo).
임성빈, 안준수 visited Lab of Prof. K. Miyata at University of Tokyo on 2023.Feb.8th-2023.Feb.15th.
Prof. Kim gave a lecture in Lab of Prof. SangSu Bae at SNU on 2023.Jan.26th.
김선정(B3), 최연경 (B3) participate in Winter Undergraduate Researcher Program on 2022.Dec.19th.-2023.Feb.24th.
Prof. Kim organized "Gene and Cell Therapeutics Section" in BigC 2022 on 2022.Nov. 30th.
Prof. Kim was selected as a recipient for Sudang Foundation (수당재단).
Seong Il Lim gave a poster presentation in 2022 Fall KSBB Meeting, Korea on 2022.Sep.29th. (Polyion Complex Micelles Installed with Novel Peptide Ligands for Cathepsin B)
Our lab sponsored 2022 Fall KSBB Meeting for Prof. M. J. Mitchell (Univ. of Pennsylvania) visit in LNP/mRNA Therapeutics section.
Prof. Kim participated in "Advances in the Development of mRNA Technology for RNA-based Vaccines & Therapeutics" in KRIBB on 2022.Sep.26th.
Prof. Kim participated in drafting "Guideline on the Qualilty Control of mRNA-based Gene Therapy Products" with 식품의약품안전처.
임성빈, 안준수, 임성일, 박하연 participated in 78회 생물화공심포지움 on 2022.Aug.22-Aug.23.
Our lab participated in BIOACAMEDY with Incheon City and DongA Ilbo on 2022.Jul.31th and Aug.7th.
SungBeen Lim participated in BK21 Annual Symposium on 2022.Jul.19th.
Prof. Kim participated in Leica Korea Summer Camp on 2022.Jul.15th.
유동준(B3), 이승원(B3) participate in Summer Undergraduate Researcher Program on 2022.July.4th.-2022.Aug.19th.
Prof. Kim gave a presentation in YeungNam Univ. on 2022.Apr.29th.
HaYeon Park gave a poster presentation in 2022 Spring KSBB Meeting, Korea on 2022.Apr.14th. (Hydrophobicity-Optimized Cationic Polymer Improves NKG2D mRNA Transfection Efficiency on Human Natural Killer Cells)
Dr. Mohit Mehta joined our lab on 2022.Jan.15th.
원성연(B3), 권형진(B2), 김규리(B2) participated in Winter Undergraduate Researcher Program on 2022.Jan.10th.-2022.Feb.28th.
Prof. Kim become a board member in the Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers on 2022.Jan.1st.
Prof. Kim gave a presentation in Epibiotech on 2021.Dec.16th.
Dr. Ahram Kim (Knowledge Palette, Japan) presented "Introduction to the radiation therapy and DDS-based approaches" in Nanomedicine Engineering Class on 2021.Nov. 9th.
Our lab participated in BIOACAMEDY with Incheon City and DongA Ilbo on 2021.Nov.6th and 7th.
HaYeon Park gave a poster presentation in 2021 Fall KSBB Meeting, Korea on 2021. Oct. 8th. (Optimization of mRNA Transfection Conditions with Polymeric Nanoparticles on Human Natural Killer Cells)
Lab hompage of Kim's group is now opened on 2021.Aug.12th.
HaYeon Park received undergraduate scholarship (학부연구생 지원 장학금) on 2021. Aug. 4th
Prof. Kim gave a presentation in Daewoong Pharmaceutical on 2021.Jul.28th.
Prof. Kim gave a presentation in SN BioScience on 2021.Jul.27th.
안준수(B4), 임성일(B3), 송이룸(B3) participated in Summer Undergraduate Researcher Program on 2021.Jul.5th.-2021.Aug.20th.
Our lab is selected for Basic Research Lab with KB Kim Lab in DongGuk Univ. on 2021.Apr.1st
Prof. Kim become a scientific consultant in GenEdit Inc. (CA, USA) on 2021.Feb.22th.
Prof. Kim become a board member in Korean Peptide Protein Society on 2021.Jan.1st.